
smashing link

to smashing magazine

right HURRRR


the bridge is out

once again, trying to not let this get away from me. i think im going to at least get on here and dump some design links as much as i can. you can never have enough of those.

working on redesigning calendar girl box art. very happy to be doing that. i hate the other shit i did. now if only i can find some free time to get my thoughts together and actually start it.......



weekend warriors

first weekend out in nyc with both roommates for the first time in a long time. spent friday with old friends and saturday with new ones. today, all 3 philly teams with a game won. spent too much money, and dave and i got thrown up on by a stranger. weather was nice. weekend was great. the work week looms.


this is awesome

today is a really good day...or at least it should be. the weather is nice, our hot water is working again and it's friday so who can be mad about that. but that's not what's awesome.

what IS awesome is this work, right HERE

i've been reacquainting myself with my drawing ability and have begun to move in a new direction design wise. the above direction is similar to where i've been going and a complete source of inspiration. i love it and i commend the person who did it.


no more bleeding cowboys

i'm so tired of this font. do i have it? yes. i've had it for a long time now, but i've never found the right time to use it and now...i never will. it's everywhere and it's so obvious.

it's not a unique font anymore because designers are abusing it. it's almost as obnoxious as affliction clothing and the bros who wear it.

anyway, here's what i'm talking about if you don't already know it.



new work

until i learn how to update my website without having to bother my roommate, i made a flickr page simply for the purpose of posting new work. just so it's out there, somewhere. and because not everyone is part of behance.net (another website that i hardly ever keep up with)

here be that link:



the realest shit i've ever said

i've completely let this thing fall to the way-side. and i knew i would. but i sort of always let things like this fizzle away and im gonna try and not do that. so let's see how often i can push myself to say what im thinkin here more often.

i got a job in nyc for The International Awards Group. I'm the in-house designer. so here is a web banner that i did for them when applying that i think helped me land the job.

i think i'll post more work tomorrow. and i think this is one of my new favorite websites
